Application Information / Contact

Thank you for your interest in our General Surgery Residency Program. We offer five (5) categorical positions through the National Residency Match Program (NRMP).

The Department will use the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) to process and review candidates' eligibility. Each applicant must be a graduate of an approved medical school.

The following items should be transmitted through ERAS:

  • An ERAS application
  • Scores on National Boards, Part 1 (and Part 2 if available)
  • Three letters of recommendation (minimum)
  • Medical school transcript
  • Dean’s letter
  • CV
  • Personal Statement
  • Photograph

These materials should be submitted as per the ERAS timeline. If the General Surgery Program Office needs any supplementary material, we will contact you.

When all application materials have been received, selected individuals will be offered a personal interview. The format of that interview (ie. virtual or in person) will be determined based on AAMC recommendations. Interviews are held November through January, typically on Wednesdays. At that time, the applicant will have the opportunity to meet several of the surgical faculty members, tour SMHS, and discuss the training program with our house staff.

Our department will e-mail the invitations to the residents selected for an interview. The interview dates are filled on a first-response-first-confirmed basis.

We appreciate your interest in our program, we wish you well on your program search and hope to hear from you!

Please send all inquiries to:

Surgery Residency Program

ATTN: Residency Coordinator

2150 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 6B

Washington, DC 20037

Tel: 202-741-3157

Email: rpakan [at] (rpakan[at]mfa[dot]gwu[dot]edu)