George Washington University Hospital

Completed in 2002, George Washington University Hospital serves a diverse group of patients — from area residents to visiting dignitaries and heads of state. As a designated tertiary care and academic institution, the hospital provides physicians and patients with the latest in technological innovations for the diagnosis and treatment of the most acute clinical conditions. The level 1 trauma center emergency department treats more than 72,000 patients each year and more than 15,000 patients are admitted each year.

The GW Medical Faculty Associates is a non-profit physician group practice corporation comprising the academic clinical faculty for The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. The largest multi-specialty physician practice in Washington, D.C., the MFA includes more than 300 physicians providing medical care in 41 specialty areas.
Children's National Health System

The Children's National Health System (formerly, Children's National Medical Center) is a free-standing 279 bed hospital geographically separate from, but closely tied to, The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Children’s is the major pediatric education facility in the city of Washington and serves as a community resource for the care of critically ill children as well as for primary care.
The Department of Surgery at the Children's National Health System provides a two-year training experience in pediatric surgery for individuals who have completed training in general surgery. The department provides three- to four-months experience in common and unusual pediatric surgical conditions for residents in the General Surgical Training Program.

Holy Cross Hospital, with 442 beds, is the largest acute care facility in Montgomery County, Maryland. Serving the Washington Metropolitan area since 1963, the hospital offers medical, surgical, obstetric, newborn, pediatric, gynecologic, psychiatric, critical care, emergency, diagnostic, rehabilitative, home care/hospice, and adult day services. Holy Cross Hospital is a recognized teaching center through its affiliation with The George Washington University, and has the largest medical staff in Montgomery County. Residents rotating through Holy Cross Hospital participate in the care of private patients with a large variety of common surgical problems.
Washington, D.C. VA Medical Center

The Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington DC (DCVAMC) medical center provides care to veterans residing in the District of Columbia and portions of Virginia and Maryland. The medical center treats over 50,000 veterans and has over 500,000 outpatient visits each year. This tertiary care teaching facility provides acute general and specialized services in medicine, surgery, neurology and psychiatry, as well offering nursing home care unit treatment. The DC VAMC is the only VA medical center to hold three medical school affiliations and both Junior and Chief residents will spend 3-4 months caring for our veterans. The DC VAMC is a of the "Medallion of Excellence” recipient, the highest honor presented for organizational achievement by the U.S. Senate Productivity and Quality Awards of Virginia (SPQA).